So, if you read my last post, you know I had my first cystotomy (bladder stone removal) surgery today. It went great! I loved it and it was very rewarding. Also, I'm just a surgery junkie, so no surprise there. I also had a routine canine spay, which also went fine. It was nice to get back into it after a few months off. Back to the grind ;) Here's a picture of the tiny little bladder that was very angry from all the stones:

I finally got my jungle of a backyard tamed, aka I paid a guy to mow it. Afterward, the cattens and I (with the new additions of their collar tags) spent some time enjoying the calm before the storm. As in there is literally a giant storm headed directly my way. Only been here a week, and there's already a Category 4 Hurricane (lolz). But in all seriousness, I hope everyone stays safe and if you're the praying type, throw some prayers up for all those who live along the coast and that the damage won't be too extensive. <3

I was supposed to receive a little visit from a certain someone from Thursday-Sunday, but alas...hurricane and what not. I'm pretty bummed, we were both looking forward to it, but weather does what weather wants. (No solid research that supports climate change is increasing the severity/intensity/frequency of hurricanes, but suspicious eh?) It's always tough when you have a plan and you're excited for something and it doesn't work out. I am just being whiney and missing Hannah. Along with being generally a little terrified of the hurricane and it just being me and the cats/chinchilla. I'm a good 'ol WV girl that has NO experience with this business, lol. But, no mandatory evacuations for Craven County (yet). So, I suppose I will do what government officials are saying and "be prepared" which apparently translates to buying non perishable food items and water, having batteries and flashlights, and filling my car up with gas? I'll get on that tomorrow. I guess the rest is up to nature. Florence is a bad bitch.