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Hash it out.

Sometimes you just need to get that glass of wine, play your depressing jams playlist on Spotify, and PURGE those feelings. So here we...

Sweet, sweet summertime.

I'm sitting out on our deck in the 90 degree weather finally writing another blog post. Had a wonderful 3 day weekend (not quite over...

The simple life.

Ok, allergies in NC are on a whole 'nother level ya'll. I'm tripling up on afrin decongestant nasal spray, flonase nasal spray, AND...

Pajamas. All day.

I don't get sick often, but when I do... Yeah, it's bad. So a whole lot of nothin' has been what my life has consisted of the past few...

Resolutions...or lack thereof.

I've never really been one to make resolutions. I see the logic and appeal of starting fresh and the new year being the perfect time to...

Rough endings, Fresh starts.

I spent a week home in WV for Christmas. (Even got a little snow while I was there!) I got to see my Parker pickle, chicken nugget- and...

Christmas Cheer.

I loveeeee Christmas! All the decorations, presents, family time, food...just all of it! My family is super big on Christmas, so I think...


There is so much in life to be thankful for. I am incredibly blessed and feel so fortunate to have all the people/animals/opportunities...


Veterinary medicine can be quite the wild ride. From routine spay/neuter procedures to 4 ear infection cases in a row to exploratory...

Rethink the future.

In the last year or so (especially so since moving to NC the last few months), I've become more cognizant of my ecological footprint. My...

Show appreciation.

National Veterinary Technician Week was celebrated this past week. If you are a veterinarian, you know how CRUCIAL your techs/assistants...

Habitual planner.

I think that something that comes along with the territory when you're a veterinarian is this lovely Type A personality. We all joke...

Risky business.

Just call me Dr. Tonkin, official licensed veterinarian of NC. In other words, I passed my NC licensing exam on Friday. The test was in...

Just stay.

I had an amazing weekend. It's awesome to spend time with someone who makes you so happy. Someone who actually gets you and you seemingly...

Waiting game.

I'm currently waiting on my visitor for the weekend to arrive. SO EXCITED! :) Makes up for our messed up plans thanks to Hurricane...

Catnip crazies.

I gave the kitties catnip and boy is it amusing. Especially Luke. He goes wild. Pretty damn cute. Also makes them feisty. It's the little...

Sleeping alone.

So, admittedly, I don't necessarily enjoy being alone, but then again I LOVE being alone. Let me explain. Most anyone that knows me knows...

Expect less.

I am still in WV riding out the flooding that is continuing to occur in Craven County, NC. The mandatory evacuation is still in place...

Calm before the storm.

So, unless you live under a rock you know that Hurricane Florence is due to hit in the next couple days. My county (Craven County) in NC...

Be your own hero.

So, if you read my last post, you know I had my first cystotomy (bladder stone removal) surgery today. It went great! I loved it and it...

Blog: Blog2

Evolve. Grow. Live.


New Bern, NC, USA

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