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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's picturejtonkin014

Habitual planner.

I think that something that comes along with the territory when you're a veterinarian is this lovely Type A personality. We all joke about it and speak lightly of it, when in actuality, it's not something to brag about. Sure, it probably got most of us to where we are now- from straight A's in undergrad to studying long hours in vet school. Many traits attributed with a Type A personality are linked to success. Some of those personality traits are incredibly helpful in life. However, some of those same personality traits can be exceptionally debilitating. Maybe that explains why the suicide mortality rate tends to be so high among veterinarians? Veterinarians tend to work long hours with an overbooked caseload, deal with unpleasant, difficult to please clients (that as we all know can be the worst part of veterinary medicine), and often have a poor work-life balance. I suspect that these issues can be traced back (at least a little) to our need to please, to be the best, etc. etc. Oh, and we have to make money- there's also that. Veterinarians' debt-to-income ratio...I mean come on?!

BUT, even with all that...I still love being a vet. Seems a little daunting to think of doing it for another 30+ years, but hey gotta make a living ;) And also, I occasionally actually do get to cuddle puppies and kittens, so it's not all bad.

I mean, look at him :)

But back to the whole personality thing. I am a planner. And by that I mean I like to have things planned down to a T. I make lists and all that. I'm not so good with unexpected situations and I need time to process and digest information. I don't like making impulsive decisions. I like things to be structured. I was always the type that had my life planned out (at least to some degree). And boy, have those so-called plans gotten shot straight to hell over the years. I think it comes down to control. I like being in control and when I am not in control that makes me uncomfortable. I think learning to live your life not being in control all the time is important. As of now, I'm failing a little in regards to that. I can't seem to LET GO and stop holding so tightly on to my sense of control. I want some type of guarantee that things are going to work out before I commit. I want to have a plan that I know is going to work. I want to have things hand delivered in a nice, neat, tidy little package- maybe even with a pretty red bow. Well, just in case anyone was wondering, that's not life. So yeah, something I'm working on in this chapter is letting go and willingly setting some of that control free. Stay tuned.

And last but not least, here's a picture of the black floofs because they are my heart.

Lazy hungry hungry hippos

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