I loveeeee Christmas! All the decorations, presents, family time, food...just all of it! My family is super big on Christmas, so I think it's just been ingrained into me and all of my sisters. We always got a real tree growing up (huge!), so I always try to get a real tree every Christmas. This is the first year I haven't gotten to go Christmas tree hunting with the family and that's been tough. But, I have a week off for Christmas so I'm super excited to be home more than I was for Thanksgiving. Yay, Christmas!

And last but not least, update on the kitty kitties. They are enjoying the prolonged mild weather here in NC. I try to let them out anytime I'm home and they go explore the wilderness in the back yard. There are some strays/ferals that hang out, but so far they haven't had any real tuffles- just some general hissing/growling. I'll be sad to not be with them over Christmas, but we're gonna give them presents before hand and they'll have a nice pet sitter to take care of them for a few days. <3

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas with family and friends!