There is so much in life to be thankful for. I am incredibly blessed and feel so fortunate to have all the people/animals/opportunities in my life that I do.
I have the best family- two wonderful parents who love and support me, three amazing sisters who are also my best friends, and a whole slew of lovable fur babies (Izzie, Sydney, Sophie, Maddie, Hops, Carmie). That doesn't even include my brother-in-laws, grandma, aunts...etc. Love you all so very much. <3

I have a nephew that literally is the biggest ham. I so enjoyed my time at home with him and my family for Thanksgiving- even if it was only for a day. I hate missing as much as I do being in NC, but it sure makes the time I do get to spend at home special.
But seriously, just look at him!!

I'm thankful for Hannah. It is amazing what a difference it makes to have someone who respects you, trusts you, and is honest with you. She is empathetic to my feelings and needs and makes an effort to be considerate. Her thoughtfulness continues to surprise me. She keeps telling me that this is how I deserve to be treated and I shouldn't have to beg for attention or love....who knew? ;)

I am thankful for friends that love me and support me. I'm sad to be so far away from most of them, but we still make an effort to stay in touch. (Come visit me at the beach ladies!) I'm also thankful for new friends and new relationships that I'm building in NC.
I'm thankful for a job that I love. Being a vet is no easy feat, but boy I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I'm thankful for experienced veterinarians that continue to mentor me along this path. And boy oh boy, am I thankful for this brain of mine. (Thanks mom & dad lol). Sometimes, I'm just like whoa...I'm actually a doctor. And whoa, I actually do all these surgeries. And whoa, I have all this knowledge in me that I somehow manage to remember?!
I'm thankful for a relationship with a God that loves me for me. I've made some choices in the last 5+ years that clearly contradict how I was raised and what I was taught as a God-fearing Christian. However, I'm confident in the fact that my God is a god of love. I don't pretend to understand everything and maybe I truly am making terrible decisions and God does not approve, etc. etc.. But, I also know the God I believe in forgives. He forgives me, he forgives you, he forgives all of us. So yeah, I'm thankful for a spiritual relationship that I can rely on, even when I may not be living up to "your biblical standards." And just like I tell my momma, I sure am a spiritual person, but I sure am NOT a religious person. Some of the most unkind, bigoted, hypocritical people I have ever met have been the "perfect Christians." But anyway, getting off track- I'm thankful for my relationship with Jesus. <3
And last but not least, I am thankful for my sweet fur babies: Milo, Luke, Leia, and Niko. Milo has been with me through the thick and thin and he's been quite the little traveler chinchilla. He's a fattie that loves treaties more than he loves me, but that's ok. Luke and Leia are the BEST foster failures that I could have ever asked for. My heart was broken after Bella passed and they truly helped put the pieces back together. They are the most wildest, craziest, perfectest hungry hungry hippos/ black floofs and I just love them to pieces. And Niko, wild woman Nikers, is a new addition...but I love her too- even if she does try to bite me sometimes. And special shoutout to my sweet Sagey and Sampson-so thankful for the years I got to spend being your momma <3
