I spent a week home in WV for Christmas. (Even got a little snow while I was there!) I got to see my Parker pickle, chicken nugget- and let me tell you, he is a ham and I love my time with him!! Miss him to pieces- and all the rest of the fam of course ;). Spent time with all my family, saw most of my aunts/uncles, my grandma, and other family. Spent an evening with my longtime bestie, Kayla while she was on break from pharmacy school (YAS GIRL).
My time home was amazing with the exception of losing our sweet, sweet Sydney girl. My best guess is that she had a splenic tumor (common enough in large breed dogs) that ruptured leading to a hemoabdomen. Poor girl was not doing well. It was so extremely hard to euthanize one of our dogs myself, but I'm so happy I could do what was best for Sydney and make her transition to the puppy playground a bit easier. So incredibly thankful for a sweet veterinarian that helped us during this time and continues to be an amazing mentor to me even from afar. It was an awful thing for us all to go through, but I'm so glad we all got to be with her and say goodbye. My sister's husband will never know how truly thankful I am that he stepped up that day and acted as my "tech." He may not have thought anything of it, but I know how hard that was to be a part of and he so willingly did so. It's incredible to be a part of such an amazing family that comes together in tough times. We love our animals like they are part of the family and we love each other fiercely and I couldn't be more thankful.

*wipes eyes & blows nose, takes a sip of wine, and moves on in blog*
Hannah & I celebrated our Christmas early, before we both left for family gatherings. We got the kitties and Milo all a little something in their stockings and exchanged gifts ourselves. It was a fun evening and of course all the critters loved their goodies!
Izzie spent a few days in NC with Hannah and I after Christmas, but eventually went back to her true home in WV. She just wasn't cut out for the suburbs life!! My parents send me pictures of her and Hoppy (one of our outdoor kitties) snuggling and it makes my heart happy. Miss her sleeping next to us on the couch, but I'm so glad she's at peace at home in the hills. <3

We celebrated my birthday (and Erica's) while I was home for Christmas. My younger sister, Ashley made AMAZING caramel apples for me- seriously, so good. (Not a fan of cake lol). Then, Hannah and I celebrated this past weekend with a few beers at a brewery we'd been meaning to go to in New Bern and then had dinner at The Chelsea. I worked on my actual birthday, but the office had decorated my desk and left me a card, I went and got my free Starbucks drink at lunch, AND my parents sent me a YUMMY edible arrangement. Flowers and a card were waiting for me when I got home <3 and my boo Alanna had sent me a package in the mail. And of course all the well wishes and messages I received made my day. :) We'll see what 28 (and 2019!) brings me!

I had all intentions of writing a post about the new year and my thoughts on the last year, yada yada, but life happened and I got busy. Maybe my next post! We'll see! Hope everyone's Christmas was a dream and the first 8 days of the new year have gone swimmingly!