I don't get sick often, but when I do...

Yeah, it's bad. So a whole lot of nothin' has been what my life has consisted of the past few days. Good times. *eye roll*
But, Happy Valentine's Day all ya'll lovas out there! <3 <3 Hope you have a wonderful evening planned with your loved ones. As for me, I'll be in jammies watching Netflix, hyped up on some cold meds and chilling with the cattens. (Hannah has her "cop school" stuff).
Visited WV this past weekend to go wedding dress shopping for Rachel. And drum roll please...she found the perfect dress!

It was a great weekend seeing the family and of course celebrating Rachel. Got to spend some time with my favorite little chicky nuggy too. :)

Updates on the cattens... black floofs are doing well. Just noticed yesterday that Leia has a fractured upper canine (tooth)- it is minimal, but something I'll need to keep an eye on. They need dentals anyway, so the timing works out I suppose. We've been running some tests and figuring things out with Niko. I noticed that she was PU/PD (drinking a lot, peeing a lot) and decided to run some geriatric bloodwork/UA. Overall, her bloodwork showed a severe anemia (?!) and some funky protein stuff going on (hyperglobulinemia). From there we've repeated bloodwork, sent off cytology from fine needle aspirates of her lymph nodes, performed thoracic/abdominal radiographs, and had an abdominal ultrasound performed. Ultimately, our little Niko has cancer :( Either lymphoma, mast cell tumor, or multiple myeloma. Hannah and I have discussed our further diagnostic and therapeutic options and have decided to forego any further additional, invasive procedures and try to keep Niko as happy and healthy for as long as possible. She's eating well right now and loves going outside and esplorin' so overall I am happy with how she is doing. Prognosis is not good and I'm not sure how much time we will get with her, but praying that she does well and at least feels well for a little while. <3

I've shared a few pictures of the outdoor stray cattens that hang around at our house. Last week I spayed one of the little females that hangs around and neutered one of the big boys that's been lovingly spraying our deck. :) No baby kittens please! I'm going to try to catch some of the others and keep snip snipping away.

So, anyway, life is good. Oh, and I'm a terrible mother-- Milo (chiller) is also doing great! <3
Keep living and keep smiling y'all. :)