The cattens are definitely enjoying their "pussy palace." They are adjusting pretty well (for cats) and only seem to get nervous when someone comes to the door. They are still sleeping under the bed occasionally, which usually means they aren't 100% comfortable yet. I've been letting them out in the evenings for their wild adventures and so far that has been going well- other than Luke still not knowing how to get back IN the fenced yard, haha. Milo is doing well also. I did catch a peak of him running on his Gucci wheel, so money well spent. ;) Here's Leia being adorable:
Work has been going well. Still a learning curve, but I think I'm keeping up relatively well. Everyone has been welcoming and helpful. Feeling respected and appreciated is nice! I also went out with a few coworkers on Friday night to a dueling piano event and that was super fun! I get to perform my first cystotomy to remove some bladder stones from a pupper tomorrow, so that should keep things interesting as well!
I've chosen a profession that keeps me on my toes. Most people are not aware of the stress put on veterinarians on a daily basis. Not only are we doctoring countless critters, but we are also dealing with all of their human parental units. And as we all know, humans can be not so nice at times.
I love being a veterinarian, but I do succumb to the stress of it as much as the next person. Like today, I am stressed/anxious/excited about performing my first cystotomy tomorrow. It would be easier to avoid surgical procedures or to only do what I am inherently comfortable with, but where would the fun be in that? The amazing thing about being a vet is that you have the ability to do COUNTLESS different things. You get to handle tough medicine cases, perform surgeries, counsel clients...the list goes on and on. I think it is human nature to sometimes take the easy route and stay comfortable. I don't want to do that in my life, professionally or otherwise. So, when I get nervous about a surgery or procedure or case, I try to openly accept it. Let it in. Good doctors obviously know their limits, but also are willing to try new things. I want to be a great doctor and I think the potential is there.
I think confidence is really important in this regard. Not just for veterinarians. Not just in your professional life. But always. Own your insecurities and your discomfort and rise above. Understand that life comes with a learning curve and you just have to go with it. Be open to new experiences and live life fully. For me, this means today I will look up a few things about the procedure I'll be performing tomorrow to make sure I feel prepared. Maybe watch a video or two. Then, I'll wake up in the morning, have my coffee, and go do the damn thing. I am confident in myself and my abilities. Self love y'all <3